You feel weighed down by the burdens of life. You just can’t seem to shake off unwanted emotions. You feel physically and emotionally drained.
If you are experiencing these feelings, energy clearing yoga can help.
• Why there is a need for energy clearing • What energy clearing yoga can do for your body • How to do energy clearing yoga • And more
• What Is Energy Clearing Yoga • Why Is There a Need for Energy Clearing? • 3 Types of People Who May Need Energy Clearing the Most • Breathing and Meditation for Energy Clearing • 5 Benefits of Energy Clearing Yoga • 3 Important Things to Remember Regarding Energy Clearing Yoga • Visit Body & Brain Yoga Tai Chi for Energy Clearing Yoga and Other Practices on Your Path to a Happier, Healthier Life
• Breathing • Meditations; and • Stretches and movements
… to help release the mind, body, and soul of unwanted energy and emotions that have become stored there.
Energy clearing techniques can be a helpful addition to your routine self-care to feel less burdened by negative emotions.
Keep reading to explore the effects of and need for energy clearing.
Have you ever found yourself feeling sensitive after scrolling social media or agitated after a long day at work?
Throughout everyday life, you are exposed to various types of energy, good and bad, which can affect your mood and mental clarity.
Negative energy and emotions can become stored in your muscles and joints. Improper breathing, such as shallow and fast breathing which may not deliver enough oxygen to the brain and the rest of the body, can also lead to a feeling of heaviness. You may feel down or under the weather without having an understanding of why you feel this way.
works to clear out the toxic energy that is affecting your mind, body, and soul. When en ergy that does not serve your life’s purpose is cleared from your body, you may feel better mentally and physically.
• Less anxiousness • More focus • A sense of lightness; and • A feeling of deep peace
…after energy clearing.
1. Those who are sensitive to energy 2. Those who are influenced by their environment 3. Those who heavily feel the burdens of life
However, just about anyone experiencing stress, anxiety, or a feeling of being physically drained can benefit by adding energy clearing to their self-care regimen. Being open to the process can help you feel more relaxed and receptive to balancing your energies
Let’s talk more in-depth about the types of people who can benefit from energy clearing.
Some people are highly sensitive to other people’s energy and emotions. have a heightened sense of energy and can absorb other people’s energy, good or bad, especially in crowds or at social events.
All of this absorbed energy can cause a sense of heaviness as it can pile on without being released. Energy clearing can help people who are sensitive to energy rid unwanted or harmful energies from their mind, body, and soul.
People who are sensitive to energies may need to practice energy clearing yoga and techniques more than others to begin feeling effects.
Some people are heavily influenced by their environment.
Have you ever felt down because of a cloudy, gloomy day? Or feel anxious energy as a storm is brewing?
All humans have a strong need for safety and physical comfort. Some people find these emotions compromised by their natural surroundings at times. Energy clearing can help move this unwanted energy out of the body and help you learn to channel your inner peace regardless of your environment.
Some people are more prone to carry around emotional burdens. This can be caused by past trauma, stress, or sadness.
Energy clearing can help relieve the mind, body, and soul of negative energies that cause a sense of heaviness and emotional burden. While it may take time to fully relieve your body of deep-rooted emotions like this, most people experience a difference after routinely practicing energy clearing.
Breathing is a core focus in energy clearing yoga. When people feel like they’re having an energy overload, it’s usually because they aren't breathing right to help release some of that pent-up energy within.
• Relax • Let go of unwanted energy; and • Promote a sense of calmness and peace
1. Bring your mind inside through . Visualize where you are feeling heavy, unwanted energy in your body. 2. Imagine breathing down all the way to this spot when you inhale and pulling the energy up through your body to your mouth. 3. Blow the energy out of your body when you exhale. 4. Repeat this process until you no longer feel negative energies.
1. Moving energy within your body 2. Focusing on the present 3. Releasing tension in the body 4. Strengthening your core 5. Learning to live a more peaceful existence
Let’s take a closer look at each of these benefits.
Learning how to move energy within your body is extremely beneficial.
When it comes to holding onto unwanted energy in the body, muscles can hold memories and joints can hold emotions. It’s even possible that your body may be holding onto negative energy and emotions that you don’t realize are still having an effect on you. The body tends to remember things long after the consciousness forgets.
Lack of movement can cause heavy energy to build up in your muscles and joints.
Think of stagnant water. Without movement and flow, the water becomes murky. Once you stir it up and help it to flow, it becomes clear again.
The simple stretches, movements, and breathing techniques in energy clearing yoga help you move unwanted energy out of your body.
It can be difficult to filter through all of the noise and stress and burdens of life. Holding onto painful memories that no longer serve you can cause a build-up of unwanted energy in the body.
Energy clearing yoga focuses on clearing the mind, body, and soul. It allows you to not only let go of the feeling of heavy energy stored in the body, but also to release thoughts that can stir up your negative emotions in the first place.
• Grudges • Unhealthy relationships and habits • Unreleased emotions • And more
As beings, we tend to hold emotions in our joints.
Think about your body right now. Is your jaw clenched? Are your shoulder joints rigid and tight? Like many people, you may be carrying around stress or other unwanted emotions.
When unwanted emotions and energies are released, so is tension in the muscles and joints.
This release can allow your body to restore to its natural position, making you feel lighter and at ease.
• Improve your posture • Decrease lower back pain • Stabilize the body • And more
Holding onto negative energy and emotions can feel like a constant cloud over your head. Energy clearing yoga can help lift the emotion fog and heaviness that you feel in your body.
Energy clearing yoga is a tool to help you live brighter days. Making energy clearing yoga a frequent practice can help you live a more peaceful life.
When it comes to energy clearing yoga, there are several things that you must keep in mind. Let’s go over a few things you should remember while exploring and practicing energy clearing yoga.
With any kind of energy work, practice and consistency are key. It is more important to have small consistency every day than trying to accomplish a large feat in one session and not doing anything for days in between.
However, this does not mean that you must practice hours of energy clearing yoga each day to experience its benefits.
You may not be able to visit Body & Brain Yoga Tai Chi every day to practice energy clearing yoga but you can take the techniques you learn from our classes and incorporate them into your daily routine.
The results of energy clearing yoga can vary from person to person. Your individual results depend on how much unwanted energy you are holding inside.
• Stress • Trauma; and • Strong emotions
…can take longer to clear.
The first time you practice energy clearing yoga, you may only notice a subtle difference as you are just beginning your journey into learning how to clear out toxic energy. You shouldn’t expect a thunderbolt of life-changing experience after your first time attempting energy clearing yoga.
Energy clearing yoga is an extremely beneficial practice. However, it should not take the place of regular medical care prescribed by a doctor.
This is a spiritual and natural tool that you can use in combination with professional medical help.
Start your journey to a happier, healthier, life with Body & Brain Yoga Tai Chi and let go of the toxic energy and emotions that are weighing you down.
• Let go of unwanted feelings of heavy energy • Release tension build-up in your body; and • Teach you to live a more peaceful existence
If you’re interested in exploring energy clearing yoga more, our energy healing course may be the perfect fit for you